Matthew Quinn

Technical Recruiting @ Twitter
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LinkedIn: Matthew Quinn
Current employer: Twitter
Current title:
Senior Technical Recruiter
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:07 AM
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Matthew works in the following industries: "Internet", "Staffing & Recruiting", and "Information Technology & Services". Matthew is currently Senior Technical Recruiter at Twitter. In Matthew's previous role as a Recruiting Director (Immigration Sponsorship Program) at Signature Consultants, Matthew worked in Charlotte, North Carolina Area until Jan 2020. Prior to joining Signature Consultants, Matthew was a Recruiting Director/Technical Recruiter at Randstad Technologies US and held the position of Recruiting Director/Technical Recruiter at Charlotte, North Carolina Area.

You can find Matthew Quinn's email at FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Matthew Quinn's current jobs
Company: Twitter
Title: Senior Technical Recruiter
Period: Jan 2020 - Present (4 years, 6 months)

- Hiring Engineering Managers, Software Engineers, Mobile (iOS & Android) Engineers, Data Scientists, and Machine Learning Engineers for our Revenue Org.

Matthew Quinn's past jobs
Company: Signature Consultants
Title: Recruiting Director (Immigration Sponsorship Program)
Period: Jan 2017 - Jan 2020 (3 years)
Location: Charlotte, North Carolina Area

- Built and managed a "start-up" delivery program for hiring sponsored software engineer candidates full-time - Partnered with 400+ internal stakeholders across offices nationwide for immigration hires (i.e. H1B, E3, TN, OPT/STEM, etc.)

Company: Randstad Technologies US
Title: Recruiting Director/Technical Recruiter
Period: Jan 2010 - Jan 2017 (7 years)
Location: Charlotte, North Carolina Area

- Hired, trained, and managed 9 globally dispersed technical recruiters supporting large fortune 500 clients across the U.S. - Led the #1 recruiting team in the company in 2015 & 2016 - Top 5 individual producer out of 450 plus recruiters in the entire company averaging 50+ hires per year helping team exceed yearly goals - Awarded President’s club as a top Individual producer and Recruiting Manager for results (2012, 2014, 2015, and 2016)

Matthew Quinn's education
Ithaca College
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
Matthew Quinn's top skills
Sourcing Screening Resumes Vendor Management Technical Recruiting Sales Talent Acquisition Strategic Planning Recruiting Onboarding Human Resources Account Management Change Management Internet Recruiting Screening College Recruiting Benefits Negotiation Hiring Analysis Permanent Placement Leadership
Matthew Quinn's Colleagues
Maricris Siddayao
Vendor Ops Quality Specialist
San Francisco, California, United States
Alan Rosa
Global Head Of Information Technology
San Francisco, California, United States
Kelly Ann Collins
Official Twitter Creator
San Francisco, California, United States
Stephen Flynn
Director of Content Moderation Operations, Vendor and Support Management
San Francisco, California, United States
Irene Tang
Manager, IT
San Francisco, California, United States
Matthew Quinn has 8K+ colleagues in total at Twitter. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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