Patrick Mc Dougal

Veteran | Accelerating the World's Transition to Sustainable Energy as a Commercial O&M Manager, Renewable Energy.
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Email: ****l@tesla.com
LinkedIn: Patrick McDougal
Location: New York City Metropolitan Area
Current employer: Tesla
Current title:
Commercial O&M Manager, Renewable Energy Operations
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:28 AM
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Patrick Mc Dougal is from New York City Metropolitan Area. Patrick works in the following industries: "Renewables & Environment". Patrick is currently Commercial O&M Manager, Renewable Energy Operations at Tesla, located in Bethpage, New York. In Patrick's previous role as a Director Of Operations; Technical Operations Manager, Field Service Technician and Tower climber at SpeedConnect Wireless Internet, Television and Telephone, Patrick worked in Prescott, Arizona until Nov 2018. Prior to joining SpeedConnect Wireless Internet, Television and Telephone, Patrick was a Land Combat Electronic Missile Systems Repairer at US Army and held the position of Land Combat Electronic Missile Systems Repairer at Columbus, Georgia Area.

You can find Patrick Mc Dougal's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Patrick Mc Dougal's current jobs
Company: Tesla
Title: Commercial O&M Manager, Renewable Energy Operations
Period: Nov 2018 - Present (6 years, 4 months)
Location: Bethpage, New York

• Lead the Process Architect and Engineering Teams, to include an Engineering Firm. Developed, implemented, and assessed mobile applications, inspection procedures, engineering controls and Retrofit Monitoring. Increase reporting accuracy and decrease reporting turnaround by an average of 4 days. Reduce site inspection revisits from 60% to under 10%. • over 50MW of renewable energy in less than 6 months while staying under budget and ahead or project deadlines. • Oversee the creation of the O&M Campaign Service Team to conduct large scale maintenance on commercial and utility solar systems. Interview, hire, and train 2 exempt and 70 non-exempt employees. • Drove $1.2M in cost reductions through process improvements and enhancements to purchasing and supply chain infrastructure. • Develop companywide Commercial O&M safety policies to align with OSHA. This reduced costs, on average by $8-10k per job, instead of utilizing the construction safety policies.

Patrick Mc Dougal's past jobs
Company: SpeedConnect Wireless Internet, Television and Telephone
Title: Director Of Operations; Technical Operations Manager, Field Service Technician and Tower climber
Period: Aug 2011 - Nov 2018 (7 years, 3 months)
Location: Prescott, Arizona

• Lead the development, implementation, and reliability of a company dashboard to track # of customer issues, average response time, first call resolution rate, NPS, and outages effects. It also included company health indicators such as billed vs collected, non-pay counts, customer count, and Churn rate. • RF Engineering – Designed, implemented, and assessed RF designs for nationwide cellular networks. • Created, implemented, and enforced company safety, installation, and testing policies and procedures. Reduced safety incidents by 30% two quarters. Reduced install and service jobs by an average of 1 hour per job. • Captained the design, testing, and implementation from concept to production of mobile app for technicians and network wide bandwidth manager with Walled Garden front end user interface. • Oversaw 10 mergers/acquisitions and network integrations. • Worked cross functionally with stake holders to immediately address customer issues and implement effective solutions. Increased customer retention by 20% in 1-year by implementing a customer care escalation program. • Interviewed, hired, and trained 10 exempt and 50 non-exempt employees. 100+ employees in my charge. • Designed and Constructed cell sites as high as 1000’AGL. • Maintained, designed, and constructed cell site and data center head ends, including LTE Core and fiber POP drains.

Company: US Army
Title: Land Combat Electronic Missile Systems Repairer
Period: Jan 2006 - Jan 2011 (5 years)
Location: Columbus, Georgia Area

• Held positions of Squad Leader, Team Leader, Shop NCOIC, Convoy Commander, and stood in for Platoon Sergeant. Up to 50 Soldiers in my charge. • Mentored, coached, and promoted Soldiers and NCO’s under my care, which resulted in the promotion to Sergeant or above of 7 Soldiers and NCO’s. • Prepared and instructed training to Brigade level unit of up to 3,000 Soldiers on Land Navigation, Squad Movement, Weaponry, Combat Life Saver, and other field operations. • Trained Field Level soldiers on Organizational, Sustainment, and Depot Level Maintenance on Missile Systems and Sights. • Maintained $350+M of Missile Systems at above 98% operational rate for the entire Brigade in combat and garrison. • Executed over 200 Combat Missions. • Purchased and installed satellite, router, switch, and bandwidth manager to give 500 Bn soldiers internet in their tents during OIF deployment (2006). Built and installed a 3 Terabyte shared media server for everyone on the network.

Patrick Mc Dougal's education
American Military University
Master's degree
2019 - 2022
Lean Sigma Corporation
Black Belt Certification
2021 - 2021
American Military University
Bachelor's degree
2017 - 2018
American Military University
2017 - 2018
American Military University
2017 - 2018
American Military University
Associate’s Degree
2009 - 2011
Pleasant Valley High School
High School
2001 - 2004
Patrick Mc Dougal's Colleagues
Adam Qureshi
Chris Dawson
Chief Executive Officer
Lily (Li) Li
Senior Manager Purchasing, PCBA and Electronics
Austin, Texas, United States
Michael Bowling
Director of Operations
Austin, Texas, United States
Jack Griffith
Operations Manager
Austin, Texas, United States
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Pat Mc Dougal
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