Pedro Guimaraes
Pedro Guimaraes is from Porto, Porto, Portugal. Pedro works in the following industries: "Automotive". Pedro is currently Supply Chain Manager at Simoldes Plastics. In Pedro's previous role as a Logistic Manager at Simoldes Plastics, Pedro worked in until Sep 2021. Prior to joining Simoldes Plastics, Pedro was a Logistic Manager at Simoldes Plasticos Brasil and held the position of Logistic Manager at Curitiba Area, Brazil. Prior to that, Pedro was a Logistic Manager at Inplas - Simoldes from Jan 2008 to Nov 2011. Pedro started working as Procurement Supervisor at Inplás, SA in Aug 2006.
Pedro Guimaraes can be found on, where members can access Pedro Guimaraes's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.
Pedro Guimaraes's current jobs
Pedro Guimaraes's past jobs
Raw material, components, paints and packaging analist