Rob M

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom
Current employer: Royal British Legion
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Last updated: 26/05/2023 16:10 PM
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Rob M is from Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom. Rob is currently Chair at Royal British Legion, located in London, England, United Kingdom.

You can find Rob M's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Rob M's current jobs
Title: Chair
Period: Oct 2020 - Present (4 years, 3 months)
Location: London, England, United Kingdom

The Chair's primary role is to ensure that the executive committee is effective in its task of setting and implementing the Royal British Legion's direction and strategy. The Chair is appointed by the executive committee and is the lead at all local ceremonial events in his or her district. The main Duties of the Chair is as follows; • Ensure that the RBL Branch complies with its governing document (its Articles of Association), charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations. • Ensure that the RBL Branch pursues its objects as defined in its governing document, • Ensure that the RBL Branch applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects. • Safeguard the good name and values of the RBL Branch. • Ensure the financial stability of the RBL Branch.

Rob M's Colleagues
Wayne Bell
Head of Procurement & Contract Management
London, England, United Kingdom
Paul Mayo CEng CDir FIMechE FSaRS FIoD
Wiltshire County Chairman
London, England, United Kingdom
Kellie Birmingham
Head of Technology and Data Strategy'
Stuart McSkimming
Chief Information Officer
London, England, United Kingdom
Dutoit Verster
Club Treasurer - Volunteer
London, England, United Kingdom
Rob M has 1K+ colleagues in total at Royal British Legion. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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