Tatiana Borisevich

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Email: ****h@tesla.com
LinkedIn: Tatiana BORISEVICH
Location: Chambourcy, Île-de-France, France
Current employer: Tesla
Current title:
Virtual Tesla Advisor
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:28 AM
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Tatiana Borisevich is from Chambourcy, Île-de-France, France. Tatiana works in the following industries: "Luxury Goods & Jewelry", "Cosmetics", "Consumer Electronics", and "Automotive". Tatiana is currently Virtual Tesla Advisor at Tesla, located in Chambourcy, Île-de-France, France. In Tatiana's previous role as a Delivery Operations Specialist at Tesla, Tatiana worked in Chambourcy, Île-de-France, France until Jan 2021. Prior to joining Tesla, Tatiana was a Chargée de Service Clients at L’OCCITANE Group and held the position of Chargée de Service Clients at Paris 02, Île-de-France, France. Prior to that, Tatiana was a Commercial After-Sales at Hermès from Sep 2017 to Jun 2018. Tatiana started working as Sales Associate at CHANEL in Paris Area, France in Jan 2017. From Feb 2016 to Sep 2016, Tatiana was Dior Homme Production - Collection Coordination Assistant at Christian Dior Couture, based in Quartier Montaigne, Paris. Prior to that, Tatiana was a Specialist at Apple, based in Apple Store Opéra from Sep 2014 to Jan 2015.

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Tatiana Borisevich's current jobs
Company: Tesla
Title: Virtual Tesla Advisor
Period: Jan 2021 - Present (4 years, 2 months)
Location: Chambourcy, Île-de-France, France

· Offrir un excellent service client à travers tous les canaux numériques et une communication de proximité et personnalisée. · Proposer des solutions individuelles aux clients et professionnels. · Coordonner les suivis des ventes et livraisons et s'assurer que les systèmes sont à jour. · Répondre aux exigences commerciales plus larges sur les missions annexes et reportings.

Tatiana Borisevich's past jobs
Company: Tesla
Title: Delivery Operations Specialist
Period: Jan 2019 - Jan 2021 (2 years)
Location: Chambourcy, Île-de-France, France

· Manage all aspects of the vehicle registration process to ensure vehicles are registered in a timely manner and in line with local requirements. · Responsible to register Tesla owned fleet vehicles, related to marketing, press, service, as well as arranging the insurance. · Handling all country specific homologation tasks when new type approvals or products are released. · Responsible for being an expert on all vehicle registration, homologation, and vehicle law topics in a designated country. · Coordinate with Sales & Delivery and Order Operations to process pre-delivery and day of delivery documents accurately. · Regularly update the CRM system to ensure accurate and timely delivery information is available to management. · Establish vehicle registrations processes for new markets and optimize for existing markets.

Title: Chargée de Service Clients
Period: Oct 2018 - Jan 2019 (3 months)
Location: Paris 02, Île-de-France, France

- Porter la voix du client en interne afin d’améliorer continuellement l’expérience client omnicanal. - Répondre aux demandes des clients sur tous les canaux (emails, appels, live chats, courriers), en offrant une expérience client personnalisée. - Accompagner la croissance e-commerce et sa productivité en enrichissant la base de données clients. - Proposer de nouvelles réponses types pour améliorer continuellement l’expérience client. - Remonter les informations au Responsable Service Clients pour les sujets sensibles.

Company: Hermès
Title: Commercial After-Sales
Period: Sep 2017 - Jun 2018 (9 months)

- Prioritize client requests by ensuring responsiveness and quality service. - Support of all stores in the Europe-Mediterranean zone and Travel Retail on all matters concerning the After-Sales Service: deadlines, pricing, follow-up of files, procedures and commercial rules. - Ensure the proper treatment of items belonging to end customers or store stock. - Ensure the smooth running and follow-up of files in the ERP. - Write expertise letters (official letters explaining the decisions of the After Sales Service) - Work in close collaboration with all departments ("Métier", legal, subsidiaries ...)

Company: CHANEL
Title: Sales Associate
Period: Jan 2017 - Aug 2017 (7 months)
Location: Paris Area, France

- Master Chanel customer experience - Welcome and advise local and international customers on all ready-to-wear lines and accessories. - Develop and retain customers by offering a personalized service, - Meet customers exigent expectations and requirements. - Maintain and promote the image of CHANEL house.

Title: Dior Homme Production - Collection Coordination Assistant
Period: Feb 2016 - Sep 2016 (7 months)
Location: Quartier Montaigne, Paris

- Prepare and update storecards attribution. - Follow-up by model launches. - Cross-team collaboration with Marketing and Press departments - RTW Product expertise. - Monitor and extract product data sheets on ERP software.

Company: Apple
Title: Specialist
Period: Sep 2014 - Jan 2015 (4 months)
Location: Apple Store Opéra

- Savoir-faire technique de la marque - service d’exception - création de contrats forfaits téléphoniques, - travail en équipe

Tatiana Borisevich's education
EIML Paris
MBA Luxury Marketing
2016 - 2018
The American Business school of Paris
Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA)
2012 - 2016
Tatiana Borisevich's top skills
Travail d'équipe Teamwork Négociations Customer Experience Service client Stratégie marketing Leadership Commerce de détail E-commerce Satisfaction du client OS X Gestion des litiges Réseaux sociaux Microsoft Office Customer Relations Management Customer Retention Customer Satisfaction Stratégie commerciale Retail
Tatiana Borisevich's Colleagues
Adam Qureshi
Chris Dawson
Chief Executive Officer
Lily (Li) Li
Senior Manager Purchasing, PCBA and Electronics
Austin, Texas, United States
Michael Bowling
Director of Operations
Austin, Texas, United States
Jack Griffith
Operations Manager
Austin, Texas, United States
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